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Urine Bag Instructions

As promised, here are the  instructions for  my process when making my sample bag. You may use any method you choose, this is just a guideline. The finished size should be 14” wide, and 12” deep, open at the bottom, with a drawstring at the top.

Cut a piece of fabric 14” by 29 inches. 1.  Turn under 1/4” on one long edge ,  then again. Press and sew down . This makes the rolled hem for the bottom of the bag. 2. On the other long edge, turn under 1/4 inch (just one this time! ) and sew down. This is the top of the bag.

3. With right sides together , sew a 1/2”  seam, back stitch to secure each end. These raw edges may be zig zagged or serged, for durability. 4. On the top of the bag, turn under about 1and 1/2” , press and sew down all the way around close to the edge . This will make the casing to thread the string through. 5. You may use purchased cord for the string. It should be between 25-30” long. To make your own cord, cut a piece of fabric 1 1/2” wide x 25-30” long . Fold in half longways, press. Open strip, fold each side in to the centre fold, then fold in half. Press well. Sew a line close to each edge. 6. At the casing, open the seam enough to thread your string through. A nice touch is to sew 1/8” line along the very top, this just gives the casing more stability, and makes threading the string through smoother. Tie a knot on each end of the string. And you’re done! 

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Our contact person, Liela McClenaghan, has had a second urgent request in as many days, so we don’t want to wait til our next guild meeting, contact me for my address to drop off completed bags.  Thanks in advance, I know our guild will come through as always! 

Hospice will also accept any simple tote bags, any size,  for patient belongings, as well as bed quilts. 

Thank you for your participation!  Robbie Siebert.

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